Sunday 3 May 2020


You’ve got a chance to start over everything, 
every habit you ever thought of letting go, 
every hobby you stopped working on, 
every small detail in your life you kept overlooking,
every morning that made you rush through your coffee,
every night that made you feel, 
that tomorrow should be written differently,
every possible glitch you wished was corrected,
every thankful gesture that you skipped being thankful for,
every meal, 
every sidewalk and every park 
where you thought cellphones were more worthy than the ones actually breathing,

and every other thing you wished to happen or start differently. 
This is your chance to try and make it happen. 

You are about to write a new book, 
make sure the things stay the way you want them to be.

Make sure you live a little, 
apart from being alive.....

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