Saturday 8 October 2016


The light from far kissed my face,

as I laid, like dead soul lays.
Right beneath, the grass green grew,
above was the sky that seemed dark blue.
The moon was high, on many little scars,
though it was curtained with a burst of clouds,
it shadowed all the shining stars.
As the wind blew right up by my ear,
my pen had a lot to write and my paper,
a lot to hear.
The night was long enough,
just long enough to house it all;
a thousand thoughts that ran through my mind, another thousand that just flashed up my eyes, a daisy fighting for it's stand, or may it be the drop it housed that was about to fall!
The silence was too loud to handle,
it ate my head like a burning candle.
My mind strayed away, scaling down the sky,
sooner or later it wished a star to fall by,
even  then it fetched for peace to light up the sky.
It ran down to the end of an alley,
an alley where the stars waited for their end to fall,
an end which lead to nothing but a new start's call.
A start which would consume all that existed, just to repeat the cycle that persisted.
Though the sky was seeming shy enough,
it's void spaces had a lot to speak about.
Somewhere at the back of my mind the heart whispered,
'someday as a star it'll be you who will fill it out, it'll be you who will speak it out’.
Someday, someday until when I stop laying around, doing nothing but counting stars.